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EE Professor Fred Jiang Developing a New Way to Screen Large Groups of People for Feversmore
EE Professor Ken Shepard and Team Win $16.4M DARPA Grantmore
EE Professor Javad Ghaderi and PhD Student Christos Tsanikidis Receive the 2025 IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Awardmore
EE Professor Jamie Teherani Receives 'Junior Faculty Who Contribute to the Diversity Goals of the University' Grantmore
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EE Calendar
Check out the EE calendar for more events.
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Check out our Event Photo Gallery page.
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Undergraduate Program
The undergraduate program provides a comprehensive background in electrical engineering, while offering flexibility in the areas pursued in depth through...
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Computer Engineering
The Computer Engineering program combines the best of electrical engineering and computer science. Students learn the fundamentals of circuits, systems, and software...
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EE Alumna Negar Reiskarimian Received Morton B. Friedman Memorial Awardmore
EE/CE Class Day Celebration - 2025more
EE PHD Student Mateus Corato-Zanarella Awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship安卓微皮恩免费
EE PhD Student Kevin Kwock Receives Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowshipmore
Students and Researchers from EE Department Accept Tenure Track Faculty Positions安卓微皮恩破解